3428 Bristol Hwy.
Johnson City, TN 37601
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Test Drive a Hot Tub

At Bullfrog Spas of Tri-Cities, we firmly believe in the “try before you buy” philosophy when it comes to purchasing a hot tub. You can see the unnoticed features of a hot tub that are hidden from view by testing one out before you purchase. Here are 10 excellent reasons for planning a test soak:

ENTER AND EXIT: It is difficult to determine whether a hot tub will be simple to enter and exit until it is full. Hot tubs can be slippery, so you want to make sure that everyone can enter and exit the tub safely and easily, particularly if you have young children.

ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL: Once inside the hot tub, your weight changes, making it much simpler to determine whether the tub is suitable for your body type and height. It’s important to have sufficient depth and foot area, so make sure you have both when sitting up comfortably. However, the depth shouldn’t be so great that you can’t raise your arms if you want to.

HOT TUB CAROUSEL: Most spas are multi-level. Make sure you try every available seat in the tub including the lounger and cool-down seats! Once inside the hot tub, your weight changes, making it much simpler to determine whether the tub is suitable for your body type and height. It’s important to have sufficient depth and foot area, so make sure you have both when sitting up comfortably. However, the depth shouldn’t be so great that you can’t raise your arms if you want to.

LOUNGER OR NO LOUNGER: Try the lounger. the lounger needs to be comfortable and fit, or it’s just wasted space.

JET POWER: Get in the hot tub and make sure it works for you because the proper jets will make or break how much enjoyment you have. Consider using large jets to target large muscle groups and tiny, high-intensity jets for tight areas with a lot of muscle tension. Sticking your hands in the water won’t always work because your hands are more sensitive than the majority of your body and frequently offer the wrong impression.

NOT ALL JETS ARE CREATED EQUAL: Even if they appear to be in the proper location, the jets must be the appropriate type; some jets have a more direct stream, while others have a broader, more calming stream. (Also, check that the jets are simple to modify and can be changed to your preferences.)

BUCKLE IN: Certainly, using jets, massages you very well. However, if they are not coupled with deliberate planning and a suitable hot tub layout, they will just blow you out of your chair. Ensure that you test the jets in each seat.

HEAR THAT?  Listen.  It is the sound of nothingness. When the water is circulating, heating, and filtering, the best hot tubs should be practically silent. Additionally, pay attention when the jets are running. Neither you nor your neighbors want their private time in the hot tub to be disturbed.

SMELL: The best hot tubs stay away from skin-drying chemicals and unpleasant chlorine odors. Ask what chemicals are used. This will help you determine if you prefer chlorine, bromine, or another method of water care.

NUMBERS CAN BE DECEIVING: Yes, 100 jets seem like a great concept, but without powerful pumps and well-designed plumbing, you can only get so much power at once. Look for a jet that has the ideal combination of strength and power, allowing you to adjust the pressure and air blend to your liking. We firmly advise you to go beyond the figures and actually enter the tub in order to personally feel it.

ASK AWAY! You’ll surely think of questions while soaking that you might not have otherwise. Ask away, that’s what Bullfrog Spas of Tri-Cities is here for!